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Hawa & Adam - Free Kings
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Hawa & Adam

‘Hawa & Adam’ poses a simple question. What if the world can only be saved by two 17-year-olds (a boy and a girl) who’ve never seen or met each other, but are communicating through a magic Diary?


After a two-year coma, Adam wakes up in the hospital as the only patient. A mysterious girl gives him a blank notebook as a gift. The same thing happens to Hawa, when she is tasked with writing down her thoughts by the school counselor. Soon, the two realize that they cannot read their own notes, but they can read each other’s. Through the book, they get to know one another and discover that something ominous is happening to all sixteen-year-olds. Can Hawa, Adam and their friends help solve the problems? And will they ever meet in real life?



13 x 26′

Production companies:

Free Kings & Jonnydepony


VRT (Ketnet) / WDR / Network Movies